Apple Vision Pro: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Apple Vision Pro is game-changing for immersive tech like AR, VR, XR and real-time 3D. Here's all you need to know about the headset.

  • Apple Vision Pro was launched on 2nd Feb, 2024
  • Apple's Vision Pro goes privacy-first with Optic ID, an iris scan that unlocks your headset, fills passwords, and authorizes payments, all without leaving your device.
  • It is first available only at U.S Apple store and U.S Apple Store online. Buyers will be given a 25-minute in-store demonstration on how to use the headset
  • This is a big deal as Vision Pro unleashes a new era for new tech such as spatial computing, AR, VR, XR and real-time 3D
  • The augmented reality canvas that it uses can help users interact with  their eyes, hands and voice.
  • The VR headset can be used for work, collaboration, connection, memory recall, and entertainment in addition to gaming.
  • It comes with 600 new apps built for the Vision Pro headset at launch and is also compatible with more than a million existing apps
  • Apple Vision Pro is priced at $3,499 per headset
  • Apple is expecting to sell about 600,000 units this year
  • Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, appeared on Vanity Fair wearing the headset to promote it amongst everyday users.
  • Apple’s ultimate goal with Vision Pro is to make it compatible with  iPhone and other Apple devices over the coming years.

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